Our Story; Our Journey

The history of Sinai Hospital of Baltimore is one of achieving excellence in the face of adversity. Baltimore's sizable Jewish population routinely faced antisemitism from the city's medical institutions: they neglected patients' physical and spiritual needs, and they excluded doctors from educational and professional opportunities. Baltimore's Jewish leaders envisioned a community hospital that would hold true to its Jewish heritage while offering a comprehensive and quality care institution to all, regardless of age, gender, race, and ethnicity.

Sinai Hospital's excellence is the result of unfailing resilience, grit, and entrepreneurial spirit—triumphing over old wounds of injustice. However, the dream of a world-class Jewish community hospital in Baltimore was never a foregone conclusion; it was only realized through the contributions of Sinai's many benefactors, administrators, board members, doctors, nurses, technicians, and all other employees who have walked the hospital's halls. Together these dedicated hospital team members daily achieve its original leaders' mission of a unique healthcare institution that offers the best in patient care. To accomplish this, we teach our next generation of physicians techniques in prevention and combating disease through clinical experiences and research.

This website features a small but important subset of the items in the archive of Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. Taken together, these digital artifacts reveal only part of the history that has made Sinai Hospital an extraordinary place.

All of our digital artifacts can be viewed separately, within curated collections, or as part of this digital exhibit. Click on images to see full-sized and scrollable versions of the items.

Use the navigation links to the left to find out what makes Sinai Hospital of Baltimore unique.
